Friday, March 18, 2011

Faking Community Service Hoours

We help Japan!

We all see the dramatic images on television of the disaster that hit Japan and its people.
Lara Mann (author of Esbat and Sopdet) had the idea to organize an initiative in favor of this earth! We carry below his post:

The idea came to me surfing. In almost every country, visual artists, musicians, writers, and organized on the web to make a donation on behalf of Japan. For example, in England have done this .
I wondered: what about us?
And then I thought: let's do it.
The hypothesis is this. We open a website or blog. Posted, as a gift, a short text. A story, really. It would be nice to be bound to what has happened and is happening in Japan. But these days, would be fine also an unpublished, in the case of already published authors. Because I'd like to extend the idea to all those who write fan writer, blog and forum goers on writing. Why this is not the occasion, in my opinion, to prove that you are good, but you can use writing for a purpose. Too. So
. It posted the text and the reader is asked to one euro, not more, to be donated on behalf of Japan. Personally, I thought to Save The Children and / or Doctors Without Borders. We need to contact them, but I suspect that there are no problems.
Time: fast.
What do you think?
have already joined, via Facebook, many writers: Virginia De Winter, GL D'Andrea, Francesco Falconi, Fabio Redivo, Laura Costantini, Isabella Moroni. But many other networking: Caska Langley, Francesca Baraldi, Kei Nekomata, Diana Cullen, Andrea Cattaneo, Daniela Vio Benedetti, Federica leave, Vincent Mancuso. Surely forget someone, but the list includes a few hours ago. What do you think?

On his blog you can follow the evolution of the initiative! In any case I will keep you updated. Spin the news on social networks and your forum or blog! Let's give a hand to Japan!


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