Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Is 2 Months Enough Time For Hiv Test

"Eternal Wisdom" and "Passion against time": Extracts!

Today Leggereditore delights us with two gifts: the extracts of "The Wisdom eternal" and "Passion against time" output, respectively, and 31 the March 24 !

Passion against time
Suzanne Brockmann

In Library from March 24 ! Read the excerpt here!

She never confessed his love, and now may be too late ... Adventure against time between action, sensuality and danger.
Special Agent Max Bhagat knows no rest: to carry out its missions is willing to sacrifice everything, even the love life. But terrible news opens the eyes. It seems the only woman he ever loved is dead in a terrorist attack. When he went to the scene of crime, Max discovers that she is still alive and is facing something even darker than death. She was kidnapped by a serial killer intent on using it as bait for a trap mortal. Will Max to cuddle the woman who could give more meaning to his life? Among twists and breathtaking action, he and his team are confronted with the ghosts of a cruel past, and with a violence that goes beyond any imagination to try to save the one who is the love of his life. A novel that will not give you pause, until the last page ...

Eternal Wisdom
Larissa Ione

In the library March 31 ! Read the excerpt here!

The real pleasure, he does lose consciousness, Tayla is something that has never known. Intended to protect the human species from the constant threat of demons, is not allowed distractions. It is then rushed to a hospital run by underground supernatural beings, and there, for the first time, is shaken by a thrill subtle and insistent that opens the door to a new dimension. And it is his nemesis to awaken these feelings in her unknown. Eidolon, a century-old demon in search of a mate for eternity, can not resist. They are enemies, instinct drives them to annihilate each other, but both fell victims of an unbridled passion. Meanwhile Tayla is overwhelmed by the fragments of a past that lead to his real identity, revealing secrets that no one has ever dared to confess. In this first title of the Demonica series, Larissa Ione creates a world divided and highly evocative, filled with dark and sensual presence.


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